I am continuously getting below error "ckeditor is not a function"
rebootcode opened this issue · 1 comments
rebootcode commented
I am continuously getting below error "ckeditor is not a function"
TypeError: $(...).ckeditor is not a function
/js/jquery.gridmanager.js:1167:34 $.gridmanager.gm.rteControl()
/js/jquery.gridmanager.js:334:24 HTMLDivElement.()
/js/jquery.js:3:8436 HTMLDivElement.dispatch()
/js/jquery.js:3:5139 HTMLDivElement.m.event.add.r.handle()
I have perfectly included "ckeditor" and all other library, even on view-source, clicking on "ckeditor" include file opens "ckeditor.js" file.
But I am not sure, why am i getting this error.
I am using "version:"4.5.10" of ckeditor. Is that the issue ?
rebootcode commented
Oops! I got this solved by including adapter file of ckeditor.
<script src="//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.4.3/standard/adapters/jquery.js"></script>