
members list

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We need to find a way to display members.

  • On the home page
  • Inside the website

We spoke about "details" with @vinyll :

  • in settings you can be able to choose not to be public or just for other members
  • other stuff that I don't remember, he'll fill it 😄

@fuentesloic could you give your ideas here ?

In the home page:

  • remove "search" bar in the header (not enough content yet),
  • To "inspire" futur neomad, I was wondering to put the last neomads with a picture below the last 3 articles. Something very clear with small picture and name behind.
  • Put a link below this "members" zone to go to a page with all the neomad.

About this page (somethings like or /neomads):

  • put a filter at the top with an input to filter the members below
  • the members section belowing the filter in full of them
  • when an user start to insert something in the input that will filter the members