[Feature] Add flutter bindings
shigomany opened this issue · 5 comments
Can you explain more please? I'm not familiar with flutter at all.
Flutter is a multiplatform framework for development for Mobile (android, iOS, fuchsia in the future), Desktop (Linux, Windows, macOS), Web, Embedded. He is very much gaining popularity. It is mainly used for Android and iOS development. Now it has poorly developed neural networks. Since you already have integration with Java, Objective C, it would be possible to make a library on pub.dev, which will make a good contribution to the development of the framework (as well as give you a great popularity of your library. Integration of flutter and the native part occurs by PlatformChannel
Now there are poorly developed libraries:
Moreover, all libraries are about third-party developers
@FedyuninV What think about it?
@ltropin as an idea it looks interesting, but AFAIK none of my colleagues is familiar with Flutter and Dart (myself included). And right now we have our hands full with some other tasks (optimizations + moving towards distributed training). That's why I can't guarantee that we're going to implement this, but I'll discuss it with others after the holidays.
I'm leaving this issue open as a remainder.
@ltropin currently we don't have the need for these bindings on our side, that's why we're not going to implement it in near future. That doesn't prevent you from implementing them on your side (if needed).