
Fix the broken explains in `Setup` section of ``

usagi opened this issue · 3 comments

usagi commented


  1. The different directories
  2. Is undefined the expected result?

Screenshot at the time of this reporting:



1. The different directories
git clone
cd neon-examples

Maybe, the expected fixing is append neon-examples to the tail of the first line. Then it will be work:

git clone neon-examples
cd neon-examples
2. Is undefined the expected result?
# Compile and run an example:
cd primitives
node ./lib/index.js

It will be returns undefined in Arch Linux(WSL 2) and Windows. At least, I gave up to use these examples for my studying NEON using this just as it is. I'll read the sources and debug first before run the example, it is very sadly situation for beginners. 😭

usagi commented

I could not understood these things at the first time of accessing this repos:

  • Is undefined the expected result?:
    • It is yes maybe but user would not know the expected answer at the first time of try to this repos.
    • And, undefined will be return in failed to require situation in Node.js then user may not think "It is the expected behavor!". In commonly, the most of users think "What's happend? It's failed?", maybe.
    • Therefore, I think it is better idea that the example for this place of change to the other example. Maybe, to use the hello-world is suitable for most users without no confusing.

Of course, this might be a great training or implicit user filtering. But if so, I would be reconsider to use the project and contributing to this project. Be gentle for beginners and grow together. ❤️

yes, undefined is the expected result. I agree that showing undefined can be confusing so I'll change the example. Thanks for the heads up!

usagi commented

Note: This issue to be simplify as the cd problem if the #53 merged. 🎉