
Update docs to access binary data

That3Percent opened this issue · 3 comments

I spent a while this morning trying to figure out how to get at a JsArrayBuffer as a [u8].

There is this RFC: 0005-array-buffer-views but that doesn't seem to be implemented (at least not as the RFC describes it)

There is also this legacy example: sharing-binary-data but the code there is commented out and wouldn't compile otherwise.

Here's what I arrived at:

if let Ok(buffer) = handle.downcast::<JsArrayBuffer>() {
    let lock = cx.lock();
    let binary = buffer.borrow(&lock);
    let slice: &[u8] = binary.as_slice();
    return Ok(slice.to_owned());

Updating this page: Arrays which currently has a broken link to where the legacy example used to be with some explanation of all the nice things you can do with as_slice would be great.

@That3Percent You're right! It does look like the implementation doesn't match the RFC. It is all implemented at least.

I don't see any broken links on the Arrays doc. Which link is broken for you?

I am going to close this issue because the RFCs repo isn't really the best place for it. Also, docs are currently being rewritten for N-API.

Thanks again for your report!

@dherman do you think the merged RFC should be updated or should we leave it since we plan on changing the borrow API slightly for 1.0?

It looks like the broken link was fixed this morning (or I was pulling the page from cache before). It had linked to the same url without the "legacy" part and was not found in the new examples repo. (Which gave me a minor panic attack today because I needed to see that code and it was there last time I checked a couple of days ago!)

Sorry I didn't notice I was in the RFC repo. Do you want me to open this issue somewhere else?

@That3Percent the links were fixed a couple days ago, a couple hours after I broke them. 😆 You must have hit the site at exactly the wrong time window! Sorry about that.

In general, I would recommend filing docs issues against the main repo, but given that there's both a docs effort and a borrow RFC being worked on, it's probably unnecessary.

