
Kalikut Now - Stage Design

Primary LanguageProcessing

Kalikut Stage Design

Stage Design project for a band, illuminate eight 80cm high letters with 110 led modules.

For more information check out the Blog Entry: http://neophob.com/2012/11/kalikut-now-stage-design/


Tested with Version 1.0.1. As I need a low latency serial connection I used a Teensy board.

You need to install the lpd6803 library and time1 library in your Arduino lib directory.


Tested with Version 1.5.1.

Hint, the default librxtxSerial.jnilib will crash on osx, don't know why.

I replaced the version (/Applications/Processing.app/Contents/Resources/Java/modes/java/libraries/serial/library/macosx/) with a custom build. You can find the custom version in the dependencies directory.

You need the oscP5 and controlP5 library in your local Processing lib directory. Check the dependencies directory.

Old Readme

Trace errors:

  • Replace power supply (impulsstrom issues)
  • Use twistet pair cable?
  • Use Teensy instead an Arduino
  • Play with CPU Power for the LPD6803 (strip.setCPUmax(XX)) strip and SPI speed