
The new version of Neovim v0.7.0 is not an snap yet

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Flimm commented

The latest release of Neovim (v0.7.0) is not yet available on snap. Running snap install nvim --classic installs version v0.6.0

Flimm commented

I first reported this issue here: neovim/neovim#18289

@clason responded by marking the bug report as invalid, closing it, and locking the issue. He said:

(As you are by now fully aware of, there's an endorsed repo for a Neovim snap at, but this is maintained by a community member. Please keep issues regarding snap on that repo.)

I would like to say in good faith that I was not fully aware that an issue like this was only supposed to be reported in the neovim/neovim-snap repo, and not in the neovim/neovim repo. There are many issues in the neovim repo that discuss snap, and the neovim repo also contains many files that relate to snap:

So it was not clear to me at all that snap issues were not welcome on that repo. I was not doing something that I was "fully aware" was unwelcome. Please accept my apologies for getting it wrong, @clason

That is unfortunate, but understandable -- thank you for your efforts so far!

This means that the snap distribution is effectively unmaintained and will not receive updates until another volunteer steps up.

(The Neovim project is not in the business of maintaining distribution packages; the snap files in the repo are a historical artifact (look at the last-modified dates!))

Understood. Thank you for the clarification (and your continuing help)!

This was released.