newsletter oct 2022
justinmk opened this issue · 0 comments
justinmk commented
items to include in the newsletter:
- ✅ export all tweets to markdown format from since the last major release
- items mentioned in:
- check out vim.fs module for filesystem operations, which will later be used by lspconfig for project detection.
- using ex commands as methods instead of string on vim.cmd like vim.cmd.colorscheme('nightfox')
- Using treesitter queries to define where to check spelling for.
- LspAttach and LspDetach: so you can eliminate
callback in your lsp configuration. Ex:vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { group = yourGroupID, callback = function(args) local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id( your_callbac_func(client, args.buf) end }
- user-defined incremental command preview. "When you create a command, it is now possible to add a callback function that gets called on every keystroke. Inside of this function you can change the buffer text or add highlights to show the effects your command will have on a buffer. This allows plugin authors to let users preview the effects of their commands before actually executing it. The buffer will be restored to its original state afterwards."
- jdhao/nvim-config#53