
docs: add search (Algolia DocSearch)

justinmk opened this issue · 10 comments


if Algolia doesn't work for some reason...

great idea :) let me know if you need help implementing it!

Hey @justinmk, I was browsing the docs today and saw some potential improvements of the crawler config, here's an example of some changes I've made

If you like it let me know, I could update the config for the nvim crawler :D

@shortcuts absolutely, can you share the config changes here? First thing I noticed is that the search results doesn't have that weird space. (has a weird space):


your site:


absolutely, can you share the config changes here?

Sure, I only changed the recordProps but there could still be improvements made especially if we want to highlight some parts of the docs with pageRank

          recordProps: {
            lvl0: {
              selectors: [
                "header h1",
                "article h1",
                "main h1",
                "head > title",
              defaultValue: "Documentation",
            lvl1: ["article h2", "main h2", "h2"],
            lvl2: ["article h3", "main h3", "h3"],
            lvl3: ["article h4", "main h4", "h4"],
            lvl4: ["article h5", "main h5", "h5"],
            lvl5: ["article h6", "main h6", "h6"],
            content: [".help-tag", ".help-tag-right"],

First thing I noticed is that the search results doesn't have that weird space.

I guess there might be some theming overlap with your CSS, looking at the code I can see that bootstrap apply some padding over the mark element, which might cause these small spaces

hey @justinmk, I have a bit of time this weekend if you want I can provide a PR to fix the DocSearch style along with updating the config on the Algolia side

@shortcuts yes, style updates are very appreciated whenever you get a chance.

along with updating the config on the Algolia side

If you have other config hints to share please do, though I guess that can't be done as a PR.

@shortcuts yes, style updates are very appreciated whenever you get a chance.

sure, will take a look :)

If you have other config hints to share please do, though I guess that can't be done as a PR.

I don't have other hints for now but as I'm a DocSearch maintainer and I work on the Crawler at Algolia, I can update the config from there if you don't have time to do it

I'm a DocSearch maintainer and I work on the Crawler at Algolia, I can update the config from there if you don't have time to do it

Interesting... 😆 yes, that would be great! The "diff" of changes would be nice to see here, for reference.

The "diff" of changes would be nice to see here, for reference.

Here's a screenshot of the diff from the Crawler UI directly, and the textual one in case you want to manually revert it. I applied the change but did not ran it yet in case you wanted to do it yourself or wait for the next schedule to kick in.

Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 22 16 59
- recordProps: {
-   lvl0: {
-     selectors: "",
-     defaultValue: "Documentation",
-   },
-   lvl1: ["header h1", "article h1", "main h1", "h1", "head > title"],
-   lvl2: ["article h2", "main h2", "h2"],
-   lvl3: ["article h3", "main h3", "h3"],
-   lvl4: ["article h4", "main h4", "h4"],
-   lvl5: ["article h5", "main h5", "h5"],
-   lvl6: ["article h6", "main h6", "h6"],
-   //content: ["div.old-help-para", ""],
-   content: [".help-tag", ".help-tag-right"],
- },
+ recordProps: {
+   lvl0: {
+     selectors: [
+       "header h1",
+       "article h1",
+       "main h1",
+       "h1",
+       "head > title",
+     ],
+     defaultValue: "Documentation",
+   },
+   lvl1: ["article h2", "main h2", "h2"],
+   lvl2: ["article h3", "main h3", "h3"],
+   lvl3: ["article h4", "main h4", "h4"],
+   lvl4: ["article h5", "main h5", "h5"],
+   lvl5: ["article h6", "main h6", "h6"],
+   //content: ["div.old-help-para", ""],
+   content: [".help-tag", ".help-tag-right"],
+ },

I'll take a look at the rendering issue :)

Nice, looks good! I see that I had lvl1 messed up.