
[Question] What versions of node does this work with?

Asheq opened this issue · 4 comments

Asheq commented

I noticed that package.json has this line:

    "node": "10.18.0",

Does node have to be this exact version? Or is there a range of valid versions?

Thanks for your help!

rhysd commented

I think the volta section is not maintained well because (I guess) none of maintainers is a user of Volta.

AFAIK there is no reason to fix the version completely. At least this repository supports active LTS versions v10 and v12. They are tested on CI. PR for making changes at package.json for better node versions in volta section is welcome.


ah, volta is like gradle's "wrapper". It does not make any declarations about min/max versions, it just says "this is what was used to develop this project".

So the question here doesn't make sense. Volta is not a way to declare supported versions, it just declares the current version that "should" be used by developers of this project if they want to eliminate unknowns.

I think this issue still deserves an answer, regardless of the misinterpretation of volta. Like @rhysd said, we should aim to support active LTS versions.

rhysd commented

From the guide I understood that the volta section is for development. It does not specify the node version of package user, but package developer. I misunderstood.

I think adding engines section to package.json would be useful for package users.