
Setup: test the end-to-end workflow, creating a single participant VM and running through the entire workshop

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Setup: test the end-to-end workflow, creating a single participant VM and running through the entire workshop
  • As an end user, where is the location of the doc or README that describes the steps an end user follows?
  • Is the end user expected to create VM? or will it be pre provisioned with VM access details shared?
  • Where can I get the inventory of software/packages (docker, git, ansible, go, kind, multus, cni plugins, free5gc operator etc) that needs to either pre-installed or needs to be installed by the end user?
  • Is end user expected to create KIND clusters? or will be pre-provisioned?
  • What are the steps to deploy the free5gc workload if not already deployed?
  • What are the steps to verify successful install of free5gc ?
  • What are the steps to be exercised that demonstrate value of Nephio and free5gc?
  • What reference links (free5gc, kpt, porch, K8S crds? etc) need to be provided?