iperf3 "-f bits" is not supported
christianuhlmann opened this issue · 2 comments
please check the documentation: https://iperf.fr/iperf-doc.php
-f, --format [kmKM] A letter specifying the format to print bandwidth numbers in. Supported formats are 'k' = Kbits/sec 'K' = KBytes/sec 'm' = Mbits/sec 'M' = MBytes/secThe adaptive formats choose between kilo- and mega- as appropriate.
option -f only allow [kmgtKMGT]
Hi, I guess this is not fully solved, I was trying to run this today and after cloning the repo and configuring all nodes I get
iperf3: parameter error - bad format specifier (valid formats are in the set [kmgtKMGT])
and that due to
INFO[0000] Running shell command -> [-c docker run -i --rm networkstatic/iperf3 -P 1 -R -t 5 -f bits -p 5201 -c x.x.x.x | tail -n 3 | head -n1 | awk '{print $7}']
Hi @Venom1221 yeah the supported formats in the ESNet fork is only -f, --format [kmgtKMGT] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, Gbits, Tbits
iPerf 2.0 supported bits/bytes. For reference, they mention the change from v2 to v3 in iperf docs Change number output format (-f)