
Nerd's Lunix contains my personal Linux customizations, dotfiles, and system configurations to create a unique and efficient desktop environment.

Primary LanguageLua

My Rice 🍚

This repository contains my personal configuration files for Arch Linux.


Here are the main components and their respective configuration files:

  • Alacritty Terminal: A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. The configuration file can be found in .alacritty.yml.

  • BSPWM Window Manager: A tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. The configuration file can be found in bspwmrc.

  • Dunst: A lightweight replacement for the notification daemons provided by most desktop environments. The configuration file can be found in dunstrc.

  • Picom: A standalone compositor for Xorg, suitable for use with window managers that do not provide compositing. The configuration file can be found in picom.conf.

  • Polybar: A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars. The configuration file can be found in polybar/config.

  • SXHKD: Simple X HotKey Daemon, a X hotkey daemon with a powerful and flexible configuration syntax. The configuration file can be found in sxhkdrc.

  • VS Code with Vim Keybinds: Visual Studio Code configuration with Vim keybindings. The configuration file can be found in .vscode/settings.json.

  • IdeaVim: Vim emulation plugin for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform. The configuration file can be found in .ideavimrc.

  • Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement. The configuration file can be found in .config/rofi/config.

Visual Tour

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3


A big shout-out to the unsung heroes of the internet, those generous souls who left their dotfiles and configs out in the open. Your digital fingerprints are all over my setup. Thanks for leaving your windows open; I've borrowed a few things😉