nert-nlp/streusle consider flagging errors, adding space to align tokens across sentences

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently, each sentence is rendered separately with MWEs and supersenses, and color is added post hoc to annotations based on a regex.

Given the gold and predicted sentences below:

No more having_to drive|v.motion to|p.Goal San_Francisco|n.LOCATION for|p.Purpose a great mani_pedi|n.ACT .
No more having to drive to|p.Goal San Francisco for|p.Purpose a great mani pedi .

It would be nice to

  • highlight where the prediction was incorrect (maybe with a red background and white text for a missing or extra label and red text for an incorrect label, or maybe just by making the word red if either the MWE analysis or the supersense was incorrect)

  • align the tokens, i.e.

      No more having_to drive|v.motion to|p.Goal San_Francisco|n.LOCATION for|p.Purpose a great mani_pedi|n.ACT .
      No more having to drive          to|p.Goal San_Francisco            for|p.Purpose a great mani pedi       .