
Possession-related data review

nschneid opened this issue · 2 comments

  • In general, p.Possessor is only used as function if the scene role is also p.Possessor. But there are a few exceptions which may be inconsistencies.
  • Review p.Originator~>p.Gestalt. Some look like they should be p.Possessor because the governor is the entity, not the transfer event.

With scene=OrgRole there is a contrast between fxn=Possessor and fxn=Gestalt (documented in guidelines). Beneficiary~>Possessor is also allowed and documented.

Possessive + Money that we know has been transferred

reviews-036753-0012 7 PRON.POSS my p.Originator p.Gestalt Buy your kids somethin nice with >> my << 2 k bucks . (Transfer has taken place and it is no longer my money by the time the buying happens): Possessor per carmls/snacs-guidelines#37
reviews-363873-0006 33 PRON.POSS we p.Originator p.Gestalt Then , when we moved out , we cleaned the apartment top to bottom , they came back and tried to charge us for two cleaning fees ( and we never got >> our << deposit back ) and past utilities ( that were already paid , we have check numbers and records of this ) . (A deposit amount implies a previous transfer of possession.)

Possessive + Item to be sold

reviews-120992-0003 9 PRON.POSS she p.Originator p.Gestalt She 's an A + and so are >> her << clothes !

Here 'she' refers to the store owner. If she did not design the clothes, but is merely selling them, is Possessor or Originator more appropriate? They are her property until sold. Possessor per carmls/snacs-guidelines#37

Other issues

reviews-154658-0003 15 PRON.POSS they p.Originator p.Gestalt Extensive drink list and daily specials but wish they had a bit more on >> their << food menu , although popcorn is a nice touch ! (carmls/snacs-guidelines#32)

reviews-216456-0010 13 POSS 's p.Originator p.Gestalt In one of the emails I attached the letter from the Vet >> 's << that expressed their sympathy , this hotel did nothing . ("locative genitive", but "the vet" is not a proper name. should be MWE or `$)