
Swift library for collecting linux metrics

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift Linux Statistic Metrics

Swift library for collecting linux metrics

Linux exposes detailed sub-system and device level statistics through procfs. These statistics are useful for system debugging as well as performance tuning. These statistics are often consumed through one-off analysis scripts or a number of command-line tools, such as, vmstat, iostat, netstat, sar, atop, collectl, numastat, and so on. There is a need to capture these statistics 24x7 in a cloud environment to support system health monitoring and alerting, live site incident triage and investigations, performance debugging, and capacity monitoring and planning with instruments like a Prometheus, Zabbix etc.



  • diskLoad (read: BytesFloat , write: BytesFloat)
  • diskLoadPerSecond (read: BytesFloat , write: BytesFloat)
  • diskIOs - Requests
  • diskBusy - Number
  • diskSpace (name: String, size: KBytes, used: KBytes, avail: KBytes, use: Percent, mounted: String)


  • cpuLoad


  • netLoad (receive: BytesFloat, transmit: BytesFloat)
  • netLoadPerSecond (receive: BytesFloat, transmit: BytesFloat)


  • memLoad (memTotal: KBytes, memFree: KBytes, memAvailable: KBytes, buffers: KBytes, swapTotal: KBytes, swapFree: KBytes)


let disk = SwiftLinuxStat.Disk()
disk.update()                          // update data for statistic, default scanTime: 1 second
disk.diskLoadPerSecond(current: false) // current: false - disable recalculate data for statistic
disk.diskIOs(current: false)           // current: false - disable recalculate data for statistic

// waiting ~ 1 second

or we get the same result with this code but longer

let disk = SwiftLinuxStat.Disk()
disk.diskLoadPerSecond()  // current: true, recalculate will last 1 second
                          // scanTime: 1, default time for wait new data
disk.diskIOs(scanTime: 2) // will wait for new data 2 seconds

// waiting ~ 1 + 2 seconds

more examples

import Foundation
import SwiftLinuxStat

class Test {

    func test() {
        let collectorGroup = DispatchGroup()
        let disk = SwiftLinuxStat.Disk()
        let cpu = SwiftLinuxStat.CPU()
        let net = SwiftLinuxStat.Net()
        let mem = SwiftLinuxStat.Mem()
        for _ in 0...40 {
            Thread {
              disk.update() // update data for statistic, default 1 second
            Thread {
              cpu.update() // update data for statistic, default 1 second

            Thread {
              net.update() // update data for statistic, default 1 second
            collectorGroup.wait() // collectors are waiting for each other ~ 1 second
            print("load", disk.diskLoadPerSecond(current: false)) // bytes
            print("io", disk.diskIOs(current: false)) // requests
            print("busy", disk.diskBusy(current: false)) // percent
            print("cpu", cpu.cpuLoad(current: false)) // percent
            print("net", net.netLoadPerSecond(current: false)) // bytes 
            print("mem", mem.memLoad()) // Kbytes



// swift-tools-version:5.2
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Project",
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "SwiftLinuxStat", url: "https://github.com/nerzh/SwiftLinuxStat.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.3.1")),
    targets: [
            name: "App",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "SwiftLinuxStat", package: "SwiftLinuxStat"),
        .target(name: "Run", dependencies: [.target(name: "App")])