
Android after closing StreetView, I get a back box covering the screen

bitcoinvsalts opened this issue · 7 comments

The SctreetView works good but after closing the view, I get this black box hover the app, any idea why?


Can you give more details? what navigation library are you using? are you opening StreetView as a modal over an existing map? (looks like it from your photo). Any other information related to your navigation and presentation would help

@scotbond I'm facing the same problem. I'm using react-navigation as navigation library.

@scotbond also experiencing a similar issue. When I try to inspect it the black box disappears so it's hard to provide much detail. We are using react-navigation and rendering the streetview in a child stack element. When we navigate back a black box remains on the top of the screen. Turning on inspector removes it!

i have same problem any one solve it?

@stevanus1997 this is work for me:

The street view component will not result in a black window if it does not occupy 100% of the screen.

container: {
flex: 1
streetView: {
flex: 1
someComponent: {
width: 100,
height: 45,

view container: {
street view component;
some component;

I just get a completely black screen on iOS on simulator and actual device. Has anyone managed to resolve this issue?

This hack works for me:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import RNStreetView from 'react-native-streetview';

export default React.memo ( StreetView );

function StreetView ( props )
    const [ height, setHeight ] = useState ( '0%' );

    useEffect (
        () => {
            const timer = setTimeout (
                () => setHeight ( '100%' ),

            return () => clearInterval ( timer );

    return (
        <View style={ styles.container }>
                style={[ styles.streetView, { height } ]}
                { ...props }

const styles = StyleSheet.create ({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#000'
    streetView: {
        width: '100%'