
Uncaught exception inside cron crashes app

Boshen opened this issue · 4 comments

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Current behavior

Uncaught exception inside cron crashes app

  handleCron() {
    console.log('triggerd cron')
    throw new Error('Error')
triggerd cron
        throw new Error('Error');

Error: Error
    at AppService.handleCron (/Users/boshen/github/nestjs-playground/dist/main.js:1117:15)
    at CronJob.fireOnTick (/Users/boshen/github/nestjs-playground/node_modules/cron/lib/cron.js:562:23)
    at Timeout.callbackWrapper [as _onTimeout] (/Users/boshen/github/nestjs-playground/node_modules/cron/lib/cron.js:629:10)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:556:17)
    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:499:7)

Expected behavior

Any of these:

  • Documentation hint - user should catch the error
  • nestjs wraps it and catch the error

I've dug through node-cron and it seems they don't have a global catcher also. But as a framework we should mitigate this somehow. My production app crashed a few times ;-)

Would you like to create a PR for this issue? :) A simple try..catch block with a logger.error() call should be sufficient

Sure, I'll give it a try

Fixed in 0.4.2

Any news update? I have same issue.

  "dependencies": {
    "@nestjs/common": "^10.0.0",
    "@nestjs/core": "^10.0.0",
    "@nestjs/schedule": "^4.0.2",
  @Timeout(10 * 1000)
  handleAfter10Seconds() {

  async todo() {
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10 * 1000));
    throw new Error('Error');
    throw new Error('Error');
Error: Error