
FAIL test/app.e2e-spec.ts

Domiserver opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Kamil,

I hope this can helpful to others using NestJS. An hour ago I installed NestJs in a new project. When I ran $npm run test:e2e the "Test suite failed to run. error TS2349".

This is what I did to solve this issue:
a) Updated "jest" from v23.6.0 to v24.8.0
b) Edited line from "import * as request from 'supertest'; " to "import request from 'supertest'; "

Then the test:e2e: "PASS => Ran all test suites"
Regards and thanks for the NestJs platform.

What's your TypeScript version?

typescript 3.4.3
Everything is now running smoothly when: $npm run test: e2e.

Thanks so much
We can closed this ticket as the issue has been resolved.