
Is this open source maintained?

Jay-flow opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Hello. My company is considering the use of this package.
I'm curious whether this open source is still being maintained.
I have confirmed that the last release was over two years ago and the last merge record was in 2022.
I have also come across some news about the main maintainer.

The executives in my company have expressed concerns about the use of this package.
What will happen to this open source in the future?
It would be very helpful if someone who knows the information could let me know.

denciu commented

I'm struggling with updating nestjs to v10 in existing project and hit the wall with this repo not being maintained anymore. There is a fork that looks well maintained here:

May be not, But there is a better alternatives for this

afilp commented

@prabinkarki643 Thanks, can you tell us how is your fork better than ? What changes have you made? Thanks.

afilp commented

@Jay-flow Did you decide to use this package? Or the ?
Or you stopped using NestJS? We are using the

@afilp I decided to use the package only for specific applications.
This decision was made because I was using an older version of Nest.js.
I plan to remove the package once we have sufficient resources within the company.

@prabinkarki643 Thanks, can you tell us how is your fork better than ? What changes have you made? Thanks.

@afilp I have created this fork just for my study purpose, But I am also using the for now. Thanks

Hey Hey - what are the chances that which is actually fork from could be merged back into the original project?

Overall, I'm a fan of this project but it makes using it challenging at times. It's hard to tell which issues in this project are still open in those other projects or whether other deviations have occurred.

@michaelyali - everything ok with you in Ukraine? Any interesting in opening up the reigns to others to merge back to main?

@rewiko - looks like you've been a heavier contributor lately, what do you think about merging?