
Some improvements

leap0x7b opened this issue · 6 comments

  1. In system drive, use an aliased straight logo with the same colors in unknown file type icon
  2. In unknown file type icon, alias the Windows logo in >64x64 icons and use the actual icons extracted from Windows 98 for <64x64 icons.
  3. Create high quality versions of application-x-msdownload and use a relative version of the Windows logo in 64x64 icon

Thank you for issue.
Actually I do not want to make 100% retro theme. And now I have not enough time for maintenance.
My task was to achieve the main goal that Win98 icons pursue - a crisp, clear look with sharp enough edges that there is no feeling of bad eyesight (as I see it in XP style). But all this should be done while maintaining the composition and aesthetics.

  1. I tried to do this, but it didn’t work out beautifully. Can you make it?
  2. I can try, but I'm not sure if I have enough time to work with the theme now.
  3. Oh yes! I'd like someone to draw the big gears for this icon, and the same for application-x-object and application-x-sharedlib. But, unfortunately, now I'm not up to it.

Here I come with the following...

System Drive (16px-256px)
System Hard Drive 16 System Hard Drive 22 System Hard Drive 24 System Hard Drive 32 System Hard Drive 48 System Hard Drive 64 System Hard Drive 72 System Hard Drive 96 System Hard Drive 128 System Hard Drive 160 System Hard Drive 192 System Hard Drive 256

Windows File/Unknown File Type (16px-256px)
Windows File 16 Windows File 22 Windows File 24 Windows File 32 Windows File 48 Windows File 64 Windows File 72 Windows File 96 Windows File 128 Windows File 160 Windows File 192 Windows File 256

...and as a bonus, here is Windows Logo/Start Here (72px-256px)
Windows Logo 72 Windows Logo 96 Windows Logo 128 Windows Logo 160 Windows Logo 192 Windows Logo 256

Wow! Malekmasoud, can you make the roundness of the Windows logo a bit smoother in some places on some icons (smooth the unsmoothnesses as in 160px and 192px Start button logo)?
I'll probably try to include these icons as an add-on with the installation script (by searching and renaming png files of these icons as there is with some Win2K styled icons) for those who like sharp edges. I have a job in my main profession now, and very little time for the computer, and my beloved wife is very glad that I stopped loafing and doing these "stupid" icons :)
P.S. You may do a Pull request! Rename the sharp icons with postfix "_sharp" and hardlink the existing originals with the same name and postfix "_smooth" or "_unsharp" as you wish. And then I will make two scripts (install & uninstall) and do a commit.

Another delivery has arrived and it comes in the form of the following...

Windows Update (64px-128px)
Windows Update 64 Windows Update 72 Windows Update 96 Windows Update 128

malekmasoud, I would add everything at once, but there should be no traces of scaling on the sharp edges. The logo for the "start" button 72x72 is OK! Here's what I had in mind when I said about the smoothness of the edges (comparison):

And so, I'll try, as soon as I have time, to correct and add everything. But, if you yourself will remove the scaling artifacts from the edges, we will do it much faster ;-)

Well, OK. Finally I added two sharp icons: application-octet-stream and drive-harddisk-system. They can be toggled (sharp/smooth) by running sharp_icons.awk and smooth_icons.awk scripts. I tested, they work. For more details look here.