
Nuget packages are not built in release mode

Opened this issue · 3 comments

After seeing this blog post, I checked my projects for debug nuget packages and found Common.Logging to be the only one.

~\.nuget\packages\unoptimizedassemblydetector\0.1.0\build\UnoptimizedAssemblyDetector.targets(14,5): warning : Unoptimized assembly detected: 'Common.Logging.Core.dll' at ~\.nuget\packages\common.logging.core\3.4.1\lib\netstandard1.0\Common.Logging.Core.dll [~\source\repos\Project.csproj]
~\.nuget\packages\unoptimizedassemblydetector\0.1.0\build\UnoptimizedAssemblyDetector.targets(14,5): warning : Unoptimized assembly detected: 'Common.Logging.dll' at ~\.nuget\packages\common.logging\3.4.1\lib\netstandard1.3\Common.Logging.dll [~\source\repos\Project.csproj]

This is an issue for us as well and is two years old.

Is common-logging an abandoned project?

With the rise of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.... probably.

This is no longer in my dependency tree.

We use a package, Spring.Net, which in turn uses the latest common.logging. We can't use the various latest logging targets such as log4net nor nlog since the common.logging which Spring uses, won't work with the latest of the others.

We may just throw out common.logging and directly use log4net etc instead. We weren't using any logging from Spring.Net, it just forced us to also include common.logging which we then in turn used because, well it was easy to. We'll still have to carry it around, but we won't be using it.