
Way to download without mp3 pop-up?

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Hello, I have been using your shortcut for a couple days, and I have been enjoying it. I am the type of person to have playlists of hundreds of songs, and was wondering though, is there a way to remove the page at the end of the shortcut that has whatever song was downloaded?

I have a shortcut that will choose each song out of a playlist independently, and was trying to add it to the SW-DLT, but I am not well versed in python to really know how to tweak it to simply download each one before going to the next in the playlist.

Is there a way to be given the lines of code that make the pop up, so I can change the output to be the mp3 at the end of the shortcut? That way I can simply make the shortcut download the song and move to the next?

(This is the pop-up I keep mentioning by the way)