
Vulnerable PHP webApp

Primary LanguagePHP


In this project, I was asked to build a vulnerable web app for an imaginary company called Comunication_ltd and demonstrate the attacks and mitigations. All the attacks and payload I used are documented in the code comments as well as screenshots.

Project Requirements:

Part 1:

Create a Vunlerable web app which include the following functionalities:

  Registration page:
    - create new users.
    - check password complixity using configuration file.
    - password will be stoe on database using HMAC+salt.
    - force HTTPS.
  Change password screed:
    - insert old password.
    - create new password will required complixty from the configuration file.
    - force HTTPS.
  Login page:
    - username filed .
    - password filed.
    - check wheter user exists on database , if not return error.
    - validate user credentials .
    - force HTTPS.
   Forgot Password:
    - user activate this functionality.
    - system generates random token hashed with SHA-1.
    - token is send to user email and redirect the user to enter token screen.
    - user enter the token , if valid - redirect to reset password screen.
    - force HTTPS.
  System Dashboard:
    - create new clients.
    - display client to screen.
  Password configuration file:
    - password lenght 10.
    - complex password using [Capitals,small letters,symbols,digits].
    - forbid common passwords.
    - forbid use of last 3 passwords.
    - user blocked after 3 login attempts.

Part 2:

  1. Demonstrate Stored XXS attack on system dashboard.
  2. Demonstrate SQL Injection on login page,system dashboard,registration page.
  3. Provide solution against the XXS.
  4. Provide solution against SQLI.


  1. Download xammp with MySql and PHP 7.4.8 https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html .

  2. After you finish installation start apache and my sql servers with SSL enable !

  3. clone the repo or download the folder comunication_ltd to xampp/htdocs folder.

  4. Go to and create new database name "comunication_ltd".

  5. import the file comunication_ltd.sql to the new created database.

  6. Change the database connection creds if needed in the file include/database.php.

  7. Add your SMTP username and password under include/functions.php (function send_mail).

  8. Browse to .

  9. Enjoy Exploiting the app :) .