
Suggestions after using kubernetes linter

fzyzcjy opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi thanks for this wonderful chart! When using the Polaris k8s linter, I see the following issues which can be improved.

Of course, some things should be just ignored (e.g. netdata needs host pid). But for other things, such as readonly filesystem, maybe the chart can be upgraded :) Since I am not familiar with netdata, I am not sure whether, say, setting root filesystem to be readonly, will be ok or not.



Ok so after some testing here are my thoughts:

  • enabling such functionality wise is super easy as far as YAML changes are concerned,
  • we are not using it because we want to keep usage of volumes as an optional feature,
  • there is a workaround to this (empty dir as Memory mount) but this is not an ideal solution either as it will consume a bit more precious resource kind in my opinion.
    I would like to hear your opinions regarding the subject. Cheers :)

Thanks @fzyzcjy . Closing