
How to allow the *parent* NetData to collect metrics?

fzyzcjy opened this issue · 8 comments

Thanks for the lib! I want to collect metrics such as Redis and MySQL. We know netdata helmchart cannot automatically discover those redis instances, so I need to write down the location (url) of each redis instance in the configuration.

I do it in the parent data, since parent is a deployment with only 1 replica. If I do it in child netdata, then each child will collect the redis/mysql metrics once, thus the collecting is duplicated.

However, I cannot make it work. What I have tried are as follows. (I am trying mysql; redis not done yet)

When go into the parent netdata container and execute command su -s /bin/bash netdata && cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ && ./go.d.plugin -d -m mysql, I do see all those metrics happily collected.

But when looking at my http://url:19999, I see only the following. No MySQL metrics.


Configuration of values.yaml:

      enabled: true
      path: /etc/netdata/netdata.conf
      data: |
          memory mode = dbengine
          page cache size = 32
          dbengine multihost disk space = 4000 # unit is MiB
          bind to =
          cgroups = no
          tc = no
          enable running new plugins = yes # NOTE
          check for new plugins every = 72000
          python.d = yes # NOTE
          charts.d = no
          go.d = yes # NOTE
          node.d = no
          apps = no
          proc = no
          idlejitter = no
          diskspace = no
      enabled: true
      path: /etc/netdata/go.d.conf
      data: |
        # netdata go.d.plugin configuration
        # This file is in YAML format.

        # Enable/disable the whole go.d.plugin.
        enabled: yes

        # Enable/disable default value for all modules.
        default_run: yes

        # Maximum number of used CPUs. Zero means no limit.
        max_procs: 0

        # Enable/disable specific g.d.plugin module
        # If you want to change any value, you need to uncomment out it first.
        # IMPORTANT: Do not remove all spaces, just remove # symbol. There should be a space before module name.
        #  activemq: yes
        #  apache: yes
        #  bind: yes
        #  cockroachdb: yes
        #  consul: yes
        #  coredns: yes
        #  couchbase: yes
        #  couchdb: yes
        #  dnsdist: yes
        #  dnsmasq: yes
        #  dnsmasq_dhcp: yes
        #  dns_query: yes
        #  docker_engine: yes
        #  dockerhub: yes
        #  elasticsearch: yes
        #  example: no
        #  filecheck: yes
        #  fluentd: yes
        #  freeradius: yes
        #  hdfs: yes
        #  httpcheck: yes
        #  isc_dhcpd: yes
        #  k8s_kubelet: yes
        #  k8s_kubeproxy: yes
        #  lighttpd: yes
        #  lighttpd2: yes
        #  logstash: yes
          mysql: yes # NOTE XXX
        #  nginx: yes
        #  nginxvts: yes
        #  openvpn: yes
        #  phpdaemon: yes
        #  phpfpm: yes
        #  pihole: yes
        #  pika: yes
        #  portcheck: yes
        #  powerdns: yes
        #  powerdns_recursor: yes
        #  prometheus: yes
        #  pulsar: yes
        #  rabbitmq: yes
        #  redis: yes
        #  scaleio: yes
        #  solr: yes
        #  springboot2: yes
        #  squidlog: yes
        #  systemdunits: yes
        #  tengine: yes
        #  unbound: yes
        #  vernemq: yes
        #  vcsa: yes
        #  vsphere: yes
        #  web_log: yes
        #  whoisquery: yes
        #  wmi: yes
        #  x509check: yes
        #  zookeeper: yes
      enabled: true
      path: /etc/netdata/go.d/mysql.conf
      data: |
          - name: local
            dsn: '{{ .Values.mysql.username }}:{{ .Values.mysql.password }}@tcp({{ }}:{{ .Values.mysql.port }})/'
            # dsn: '{{ .Values.mysql.username }}:{{ .Values.mysql.password }}@tcp({{ }}:{{ .Values.mysql.port }})/{{ .Values.mysql.database }}'

Ah I see the problem... My original configuration is like:

      data: |
          memory mode = dbengine
          # NOTE use the calculator to re-calc how much is needed after having more machines
          page cache size = 32
          dbengine multihost disk space = 4000 # unit is MiB
          bind to =
          cgroups = no
          tc = no
          enable running new plugins = yes # NOTE with some comments here
          check for new plugins every = 72000
          python.d = yes # NOTE with some comments here
          charts.d = no
          go.d = yes # NOTE with some comments here
          node.d = no
          apps = no
          proc = no
          idlejitter = no
          diskspace = no

AND IT IS THE PROBLEM WITH COMMENTS! Strangely go.d = yes # NOTE with some comments here is NOT allowed. and will be regarded as no......

Change to go.d = yes then ok.

@fzyzcjy hi

Netdata k8s setup is parent/deployment and children/daemonset. Parent netdata doesn't collect any metrics for a reason - there is netdata child instance on the same host and it is responsible for metric collection.

go.d.plugin static configurations doesn't work in k8s - we rely on service discovery. Service discovery job is to create create/update a configuration file - go.d.plugin watches the file and starts/stops jobs according it.

        dsn: '{{ .Values.mysql.username }}:{{ .Values.mysql.password }}@tcp({{ }}:{{ .Values.mysql.port }})/'

I see you want to get mysql instances discovered?

We have this

- tags: mysql
expr: '{{ and (eq .Port "3306") (glob .Image "mysql*" "**/mysql*" "mariadb*" "**/mariadb*") }}'

It doesn't work, i assume, because there is no user/password. Lets think how we can get it.

How do you set user/pass for mysql? Adding some env variables to your k8s manifests?

How to check created by service discovery go.d configuration file

0 ~ $ kubectl -n mon exec netdata-child-7xbcv -c netdata -- cat /etc/netdata/go.d/sd/go.d.yml
- module: cockroachdb
  name: cockroachdb-infra_crdb-cockroachdb-0_db_tcp_8080

- module: prometheus
  name: prometheus-infra_redis-cdc-streamer-master-0_metrics_tcp_9121
  update_every: 10
  max_time_series: 1000

@ilyam8 Thanks for the reply!

I have successfully mange to do the MySQL part using NetData Parent. I have to use parent, because netdata child run on each host. And my MySQL is an (external) service, not a pod. So if each netdata child scrapes that MySQL service, the mysql will be scraped N times instead of 1 time.

Now the problem, as you have mentioned, comes to the password problem. I am configuring Redis with auto-discovery (see this post: #188 (comment)). However, my redis has password, so that is the problem.

How do you set user/pass for mysql? Adding some env variables to your k8s manifests?

I create a k8s Secret containing the password. Then I pass the secret as env variable to whatever pod that wants to consume password. If looking for a concrete example, this simple tutorial:

I have to use parent, because netdata child run on each host.

Yes, it it the plan.

So if each netdata child scrapes that MySQL service, the mysql will be scraped N times instead of 1 time

No no a child instance collects data from the pods running on the same host only.


name: kubernetes
- tags: unknown
role: pod
local_mode: true

local_mode: true means watch only for local node pod events

So if each netdata child scrapes that MySQL service

Wrong metrics then:

  • scrape1: => mysql instance0
  • scrape2: => mysql instance1
  • scrape3: => mysql instance1
  • scrape4: => mysql instance0
  • ...

@ilyam8 Thanks for the reply. However, my MySQL is an external service, not a pod. Thus it is not specific to a single node. e.g.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: {{ include "external-mysql.fullname" . }}
    {{- include "external-mysql.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
  type: ExternalName
  externalName: {{ .Values.service.externalName }}
    - port: {{ .Values.service.port }}

Anyway, I have managed to do it in parent netdata :)

I see, for that case i added role: service to sd, i was thinking setup would be - child netdata with sd role:pod and parent netdata with sd role:service. But we never really tested service discovery for a parent and our helmchart even has no such option.