
Cannot read disk space usage metrics && wrong metrics (important because we should alert when disks become full)

fzyzcjy opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi thanks for the lib! I find the "disk" section incomplete. It does not have disk_spaces._/disk_usages._ chart for most of the disks (e.g. sda, sdb, ... and dm-1, dm-2, ... It only has that for a few disks like /.

In addition, even for the / filesystem, the disk size that netdata says is different from the actual value. When execute df -h in my host machine, it says /dev/vda1 40G 3.5G 34G 10% /. But as you can see from figure 1, netdata think it is 8GB (not 40GB).

I guess it is related to permission problems and problems of container volume mapping? Possibly related (not sure): netdata/netdata#3716. But I do not have any ideas on how to solve this.


figure 1: it has metrics for /


figure 2: it does not for sda


I'm closing the issue because this topic is ongoing here:

it does not makes any sense to have a double here, especially as community's version of it is much more active.