
Helm chart broken in recent releases when not using secrets

Paso opened this issue · 4 comments

Paso commented

By just cloning/pulling the helm chart and trying to install it you get the following error message:

helm pull netdata/netdata -d helm/tools --untar --untardir charts
helm install netdata helm/tools/charts/netdata --create-namespace --namespace netdata
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: netdata/templates/secrets.yaml:1:21: executing "netdata/templates/secrets.yaml" at <include "netdata.parent.configs.secret" .>: error calling include: template: netdata/templates/_helpers.tpl:125:28: executing "netdata.parent.configs.secret" at <eq $config.storedType "secret">: error calling eq: incompatible types for comparison

Chart version 3.7.57 (before secrets changes) works:

helm pull netdata/netdata -d helm/tools --untar --untardir charts --version 3.7.57
helm install netdata helm/tools/charts/netdata --create-namespace --namespace netdata
Release "netdata" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
ilyam8 commented

Hi, @Paso. It is broken only with old versions of helm. What is your helm version?

Paso commented

Hi @ilyam8 , here is my helm version:

helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.2", GitCommit:"663a896f4a815053445eec4153677ddc24a0a361", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.10"}
ilyam8 commented

Is upgrading an option for you? You need 3.8+

Paso commented

No problem, but the README should probably be updated. It now says

The Helm package manager v3.0.0 or newer on the same administrative system.