
[Feat]: Option to choose which nodes are part of the paid subscription

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Currently, we have a few nodes that are marked in different rooms. The problem is that we only want the subscription to include nodes that we want, not all nodes (including the test ones) as part of the paid subscription of ND. There is no option or way to separate them, and the Netdata subscription automatically includes them in the plan and increases the cost without asking.


It would be nice to have an option for the ND subscription to apply only to the nodes within a specific room/node, rather than counting and including all nodes


must have

Value proposition

  1. Cost management
  2. Proper subscription management for personal, client, and testing nodes under one account

Proposed implementation

Currently, the ND logic includes all nodes under an account in the subscription. It might be better to change this logic slightly: Based on the node ID, if included in the subscription, then trigger YES for the subscription features; if not, just react as a non-subscribed user.