
[Bug]: Issue Identified in reclaiming process for parent nodes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Bug description

We've recently uncovered some discrepancies in the re-claming process that are impacting parent nodes. Specifically, when a user attempts to reclaim a parent node, the operation is successful. However, subsequent to this action, in some cases, the parent node has problems properly adding any associated child nodes.

This issue is isolated and only affecting the reclaiming operation, the fist claiming operation is not affected.
In the last month we've identified 25 nodes affected, however, we're actively investigating the root cause and we will try to have a fix as soon as possible.

Expected behavior

parent should add child nodes properly after re-claiming.

Steps to reproduce

re-claim a parent node


No response

Error Logs

No response


OS: [e.g. iOS]
Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
Browser Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context

No response

fix released