
[Bug]: Incorrect bloat calculation in go.d.plugin, postgres module

cuu508 opened this issue · 6 comments

Bug description

I'm monitoring a postgres database with netdata. Netdata reports a particular index as having high bloat (above 70%, which triggers a warning, which is how I noticed). Looking into it, it appears as if netdata is stuck reporting a high value:

If I manually run the query from

the query output, the problematic index does not show up in the query results at all.

If I check index bloat using another query from here, it reports index bloat as 21% for the specific index.

I suspect that:

  • the bloat calculation query is missing data for some of the indexes
  • if a row from the bloat calculation query disappears, netdata does not handle it correctly (in the graphs, and for the alerting, it keeps using the last known value)

Expected behavior

Steps to reproduce


Installation method

manual setup of official DEB/RPM packages

System info

/etc/lsb-release:DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS"
/etc/os-release:PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS"
/etc/os-release:VERSION="22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

Netdata build info

    Netdata Version ____________________________________________ : v1.45.3
    Installation Type __________________________________________ : binpkg-deb
    Package Architecture _______________________________________ : x86_64
    Package Distro _____________________________________________ :  
    Configure Options __________________________________________ : dummy-configure-command
Default Directories:
    User Configurations ________________________________________ : /etc/netdata
    Stock Configurations _______________________________________ : /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
    Ephemeral Databases (metrics data, metadata) _______________ : /var/cache/netdata
    Permanent Databases ________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata
    Plugins ____________________________________________________ : /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d
    Static Web Files ___________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata/www
    Log Files __________________________________________________ : /var/log/netdata
    Lock Files _________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata/lock
    Home _______________________________________________________ : /var/lib/netdata
Operating System:
    Kernel _____________________________________________________ : Linux
    Kernel Version _____________________________________________ : 6.5.0-26-generic
    Operating System ___________________________________________ : Ubuntu
    Operating System ID ________________________________________ : ubuntu
    Operating System ID Like ___________________________________ : debian
    Operating System Version ___________________________________ : 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
    Operating System Version ID ________________________________ : none
    Detection __________________________________________________ : /etc/os-release
    CPU Cores __________________________________________________ : 32
    CPU Frequency ______________________________________________ : 5083000000
    RAM Bytes __________________________________________________ : 134962692096
    Disk Capacity ______________________________________________ : 7681511964672
    CPU Architecture ___________________________________________ : x86_64
    Virtualization Technology __________________________________ : none
    Virtualization Detection ___________________________________ : systemd-detect-virt
    Container __________________________________________________ : none
    Container Detection ________________________________________ : systemd-detect-virt
    Container Orchestrator _____________________________________ : none
    Container Operating System _________________________________ : none
    Container Operating System ID ______________________________ : none
    Container Operating System ID Like _________________________ : none
    Container Operating System Version _________________________ : none
    Container Operating System Version ID ______________________ : none
    Container Operating System Detection _______________________ : none
    Built For __________________________________________________ : Linux
    Netdata Cloud ______________________________________________ : YES
    Health (trigger alerts and send notifications) _____________ : YES
    Streaming (stream metrics to parent Netdata servers) _______ : YES
    Back-filling (of higher database tiers) ____________________ : YES
    Replication (fill the gaps of parent Netdata servers) ______ : YES
    Streaming and Replication Compression ______________________ : YES (zstd lz4 gzip)
    Contexts (index all active and archived metrics) ___________ : YES
    Tiering (multiple dbs with different metrics resolution) ___ : YES (5)
    Machine Learning ___________________________________________ : YES
Database Engines:
    dbengine ___________________________________________________ : YES
    alloc ______________________________________________________ : YES
    ram ________________________________________________________ : YES
    none _______________________________________________________ : YES
Connectivity Capabilities:
    ACLK (Agent-Cloud Link: MQTT over WebSockets over TLS) _____ : YES
    static (Netdata internal web server) _______________________ : YES
    h2o (web server) ___________________________________________ : YES
    WebRTC (experimental) ______________________________________ : NO
    Native HTTPS (TLS Support) _________________________________ : YES
    TLS Host Verification ______________________________________ : YES
    LZ4 (extremely fast lossless compression algorithm) ________ : YES
    ZSTD (fast, lossless compression algorithm) ________________ : YES
    zlib (lossless data-compression library) ___________________ : YES
    Brotli (generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm) ____ : NO
    protobuf (platform-neutral data serialization protocol) ____ : YES (system)
    OpenSSL (cryptography) _____________________________________ : YES
    libdatachannel (stand-alone WebRTC data channels) __________ : NO
    JSON-C (lightweight JSON manipulation) _____________________ : YES
    libcap (Linux capabilities system operations) ______________ : NO
    libcrypto (cryptographic functions) ________________________ : YES
    libyaml (library for parsing and emitting YAML) ____________ : YES
    apps (monitor processes) ___________________________________ : YES
    cgroups (monitor containers and VMs) _______________________ : YES
    cgroup-network (associate interfaces to CGROUPS) ___________ : YES
    proc (monitor Linux systems) _______________________________ : YES
    tc (monitor Linux network QoS) _____________________________ : YES
    diskspace (monitor Linux mount points) _____________________ : YES
    freebsd (monitor FreeBSD systems) __________________________ : NO
    macos (monitor MacOS systems) ______________________________ : NO
    statsd (collect custom application metrics) ________________ : YES
    timex (check system clock synchronization) _________________ : YES
    idlejitter (check system latency and jitter) _______________ : YES
    bash (support shell data collection jobs - charts.d) _______ : YES
    debugfs (kernel debugging metrics) _________________________ : YES
    cups (monitor printers and print jobs) _____________________ : YES
    ebpf (monitor system calls) ________________________________ : YES
    freeipmi (monitor enterprise server H/W) ___________________ : YES
    nfacct (gather netfilter accounting) _______________________ : YES
    perf (collect kernel performance events) ___________________ : YES
    slabinfo (monitor kernel object caching) ___________________ : YES
    Xen ________________________________________________________ : YES
    Xen VBD Error Tracking _____________________________________ : NO
    Logs Management ____________________________________________ : YES
    AWS Kinesis ________________________________________________ : NO
    GCP PubSub _________________________________________________ : NO
    MongoDB ____________________________________________________ : YES
    Prometheus (OpenMetrics) Exporter __________________________ : YES
    Prometheus Remote Write ____________________________________ : YES
    Graphite ___________________________________________________ : YES
    Graphite HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
    JSON _______________________________________________________ : YES
    JSON HTTP / HTTPS __________________________________________ : YES
    OpenTSDB ___________________________________________________ : YES
    OpenTSDB HTTP / HTTPS ______________________________________ : YES
    All Metrics API ____________________________________________ : YES
    Shell (use metrics in shell scripts) _______________________ : YES
Debug/Developer Features:
    Trace All Netdata Allocations (with charts) ________________ : NO
    Developer Mode (more runtime checks, slower) _______________ : NO

Additional info

No response

PS PostgreSQL version:

select version();
 PostgreSQL 13.14 (Ubuntu 13.14-1.pgdg22.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0, 64-bit

@cuu508, hey 👋 While go.d.plugin gathers data every update_every, it collects and calculates bloat statistics less frequently, only every 5 minutes. In between calculations, go.d.plugin relies on the most recently calculated bloat statistics (cached data). This is because the bloat query can be resource-intensive. This 5-minute interval is not configurable at the moment.

In my case, the dashboard was showing the outdated value for hours (and a warning was active too) .

Also, running the bloat calculation query manually did not return the calculated bloat value for that specific index at all (the row was absent). In summary:

  • netdata dashboard (both local node and netdata cloud) was showing an outdated value, 72%
  • a different bloat calculation query was showing 21%
  • netdata's bloat calculation query was omitting that specific index from bloat calculation results

@cuu508 I understood that, thanks! I think I fixed it in #17598

a different bloat calculation query was showing 21%

Netdata uses bloat query from bucardo/check_postgres. I am not a Postgres expert, so I can't say which query is better/more correct.

Ah, sorry, I missed the referenced commit!

I compared bucardo's and netdata's bloat calculation queries. They are identical except the netdata version has at the very end:

WHERE sml.relpages - otta > 10 OR ipages - iotta > 10

I think this is the bit responsible for netdata missing bloat data for some of my indexes. I have one particular index for which bucardo's query calculates ibloat as 0.5:

-[ RECORD 91 ]---+-----------------------------------------------------
db               | ***
schemaname       | public
tablename        | api_ping
tups             | 108233496
pages            | 1469731
otta             | 1637553
tbloat           | 0.9
wastedpages      | 0
wastedbytes      | 0
wastedsize       | 0 bytes
iname            | api_ping_pkey
itups            | 107589248
ipages           | 522850
iotta            | 1000750
ibloat           | 0.5
wastedipages     | 0
wastedibytes     | 0
wastedisize      | 0 bytes
totalwastedbytes | 0

But since ipages is lower than iotta, it is omitted from the netdata version.

The other query calculates the bloat as 43% for this same index. (edit:) but some of the calculated bloat values looked wacky, -247% and such. In the bucardo query at least all ibloat values were zero or positive)

@cuu508 bucardos query has this otta/iotta limit (a bit bigger)

    ## Don't bother with tables or indexes unless they have at least this many bloated pages
    my $MINPAGES = 10;
    my $MINIPAGES = 15;
