
[Feat]: rspamd monitoring with netdata

ekexcello opened this issue · 3 comments


No response


there are several 3rd-party plugins for monitoring rspamd with netdata can be found on Web, mostly based on python.d.plugin, but there's no native monitoring module shipped by netdata for it.


nice to have

Value proposition

  • Statistics: spam/ham/scanned/learned
  • Actions taken: reject/soft-reject/add-header/rewrite-subject/greylist/no-action

Proposed implementation

Details can be taken from rspamd web interface, usually port 11334 of rspamd server

Hi, @ekexcello.

  • Can you provide more info? I don't understand "Value proposition" - what do these paths (/a/b/c/d) mean? Metrics?
  • And "Proposed implementation" - can you elaborate? What do you mean by "taken from rspamd web interface"? Is there an endpoint that exposes metrics? Can you provide a link to the documentation? And share a sample of metrics?

I see that rspamd has built-in Prometheus exporter. Do you use it?

I see that it has /stat endpoint

Sample statistics response from an idle instance (no workload)
    "version": "3.4",
    "config_id": "gkwm3ysiqrx96kj1mwnfashx9hkypj833w1tgjaw4nysgwwxqthh7q78hyrezi9gzamke3n9ea7u8cjrzru7i5p4z7r9xhcoitjpjyy",
    "uptime": 717,
    "read_only": false,
    "scanned": 0,
    "learned": 0,
    "actions": {
        "reject": 0,
        "soft reject": 0,
        "rewrite subject": 0,
        "add header": 0,
        "greylist": 0,
        "no action": 0
    "scan_times": [],
    "spam_count": 0,
    "ham_count": 0,
    "connections": 0,
    "control_connections": 109,
    "pools_allocated": 176,
    "pools_freed": 139,
    "bytes_allocated": 28807300,
    "chunks_allocated": 282,
    "shared_chunks_allocated": 4,
    "chunks_freed": 0,
    "chunks_oversized": 2,
    "fragmented": 0,
    "total_learns": 0,
    "statfiles": [],
    "fuzzy_hashes": {
        "": 446607461

@ekexcello I added the following metrics (as rates):

    "scanned": 0,
    "learned": 0,
    "actions": {
        "reject": 0,
        "soft reject": 0,
        "rewrite subject": 0,
        "add header": 0,
        "greylist": 0,
        "no action": 0
    "spam_count": 0,
    "ham_count": 0,
    "connections": 0,
    "control_connections": 109,