
TP-Link tp1600g-52ps not being detected

alxrogan opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello all,

I installed NetDisco via Docker to query a new (to-me) switch and it's not being detected accurately. This is an older model of the switch, v2 but was upgraded to the v3 firmware. It is being detected using SNMP::Info::Layer 2. I've included a -DIQ debug below. I checked that the tplink MIBs do have the same vendor ID (tplink.mib: tplink OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 11863 }) and specific switch model included (tplink-products.mib: tplink-t1600g-52ps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {tplinkProducts 38 }).


Expected Behavior

I was hoping to get the FDB table populated to track systems across multiple VLANs, POE status,etc.

Current Behavior

The switch is detected by NetDisco as "Vendor / Model / enterprises.11863.5.38". I did disable bulkwalk as my first attempt with debugging did show numerous timeouts during discovery. Since it's not being identified as a tplink device, the macsuck and arpnip are not pulling the connected devices, nor the VLANs, POE status/etc.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Stand-up a fresh NetDisco docker instance and discover the device


I was hoping to get a better idea of my home network, and how to track systems as they move through the environment. I've used Netdisco back in my sysadmin days (2000-2003) and have fond remembrances of the capabilities. :)

Your Device

  • Vendor: TP-LINK
  • Device Model: TP1600G-52PS (hw version 2, firmware upgraded to v3)
  • Operating System Version: Firmware V3
  • Snmpwalk output of .
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: JetStream 48-Port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch with 4 SFP Slots
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.11863.5.38
    DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (161126961) 18 days, 15:34:29.61
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING:
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: core-sw.home.lan
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 = STRING: closet
    SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 = INTEGER: 3

Your Environment

App::Netdisco 2.52.0
SNMP::Info 3.81
DB Schema 70
PostgreSQL 13.00.4
Perl 5.34.0

Discover -DIQ

~ $ bin/netdisco-do discover -d -DIQ
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:41 info App::Netdisco version 2.052000 loaded.
SELECT me.version, me.installed
FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me
WHERE 1 = 0
SELECT me.version
FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me
ORDER BY installed DESC
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation
FROM device_ip me
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.num_ports, me.mac, me.serial, me.chassis_id, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status, me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log, me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.snmp_engineid, me.vtp_domain, me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, me.is_pseudo, to_char( me.creation, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_arpnip, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.creation ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_discover ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp 'epoch' + me.uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' )
FROM device me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 info discover: [] started at Thu Jan 20 18:07:42 2022
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug discover: running with timeout 600s
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug => running workers for phase: check
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug -> run worker check/base/0
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug Discover is able to run.
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug => running workers for phase: early
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug -> run worker early/properties/100
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug snmp reader cache warm: []
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag_read, me.snmp_auth_tag_write
FROM community me
WHERE me.ip = ''
UPDATE community
SET snmp_auth_tag_read = NULL
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug [] try_connect with ver: 2, class: SNMP::Info, comm:
SNMP::Info::_global uptime : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global layers : SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 : .
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag_read, me.snmp_auth_tag_write
FROM community me
WHERE me.ip = ''
UPDATE community
SET snmp_auth_tag_read = 'default_v2_readonly'
WHERE ip = ''
SNMP::Info::_global description : SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global id : SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 : .
SNMP::Info 3.81
SNMP::Info::device_type() layers:00000011 id:11863 sysDescr:"JetStream 48-Port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch with 4 SFP Slots"
SNMP::Info 3.81
SNMP::Info::device_type() layers:00000011 id:11863 sysDescr:"JetStream 48-Port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch with 4 SFP Slots"
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug [] try_connect with ver: 2, new class: SNMP::Info::Layer2, comm:
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(vtp_d_name) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_global description : SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global uptime : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global name : SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global layers : SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(mac) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps1_type) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps2_type) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps1_status) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps2_status) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(fan) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(slots) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_global id : SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(os) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(os_ver) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_parent : ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalContainedIn : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_class : ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalClass : .
SNMP::Info::_global serial1 : SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. : .
SNMP::Info::_global(serial1) NOSUCHOBJECT at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Worker/Plugin/Discover/ line 49.
SNMP::Info::_global contact : SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global location : SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global ports : IF-MIB::ifNumber.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global snmpEngineID : SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineID.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global(snmpEngineID) NOSUCHOBJECT at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Worker/Plugin/Discover/ line 59.
UPDATE device
SET last_discover = now( ), layers = '00000011', model = 'enterprises.11863.5.38', snmp_class = 'SNMP::Info::Layer2', uptime = '161360467', vendor = ''
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug -> run worker early/properties/100
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation
FROM device_ip me
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.num_ports, me.mac, me.serial, me.chassis_id, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status, me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log, me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.snmp_engineid, me.vtp_domain, me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, me.is_pseudo, to_char( me.creation, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_arpnip, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.creation ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_discover ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp 'epoch' + me.uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' )
FROM device me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug [] device - OK to continue discover
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:42 debug -> run worker early/properties/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_index : IF-MIB::ifIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_description : IF-MIB::ifDescr : .
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:49 debug [] device - OK to continue discover
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:49 debug -> run worker early/properties/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr old_ip_index : IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr old_ip_netmask : IP-MIB::ipAdEntNetMask : .
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:50 debug [] device - aliased as
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ipv6_index) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ipv6_addr) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ipv6_type) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ipv6_addr_prefixlength) Unable to resolve method.
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:50 debug resolving 1 aliases with max 50 outstanding requests
DELETE FROM device_ip
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:50 debug [] device - removed 1 aliases
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_ip( alias, dns, ip, port, subnet )
VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) : 'BULK_INSERT'
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:50 debug [] aliases - added 1 new aliases
[44] 2022-01-20 18:07:50 debug -> run worker early/properties/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_type : IF-MIB::ifType : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_ignore) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_mtu : IF-MIB::ifMtu : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr orig_i_speed : IF-MIB::ifSpeed : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_speed_admin) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_mac : IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_up : IF-MIB::ifOperStatus : .
Looping on: i_up iid:49189. at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Worker/Plugin/Discover/ line 191.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_up_admin : IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr: i_up_admin not here at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Worker/Plugin/Discover/ line 192.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_name : IF-MIB::ifName : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_duplex) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_duplex_admin) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr bp_index : BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr stp_p_state : BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dStpPortState : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_i_vlan : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qPvid : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_lastchange : IF-MIB::ifLastChange : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(agg_ports) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_global load_uptime : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global snmpEngineTime : SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global(snmpEngineTime) NOSUCHOBJECT at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Worker/Plugin/Discover/ line 214.
DELETE FROM device_port_power
SELECT me.ip
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] db/ports - removed 0 port entries from DevicePortPower
DELETE FROM device_port_properties
SELECT me.ip
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] db/ports - removed 53 port entries from DevicePortProperties
DELETE FROM device_port_ssid
SELECT me.ip
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] db/ports - removed 0 port entries from DevicePortSsid
DELETE FROM device_port_vlan
SELECT me.ip
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] db/ports - removed 0 port entries from DevicePortVlan
DELETE FROM device_port_wireless
SELECT me.ip
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] db/ports - removed 0 port entries from DevicePortWireless
DELETE FROM device_port
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] interfaces - removed 53 interfaces
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_port( descr, duplex, duplex_admin, ip, is_master, lastchange, mac, mtu, name, port, pvid, slave_of, speed, speed_admin, stp, type, up, up_admin, vlan )
VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) : 'BULK_INSERT'
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] interfaces - added 53 new interfaces
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug => running workers for phase: main
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug -> run worker main/canonicalip/100
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug -> run worker main/entities/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr entPhysicalDescr : ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr : .
DELETE FROM device_module
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] modules - removed 1 chassis modules
SELECT me.ip, me.index, me.description, me.type, me.parent,, me.class, me.pos, me.hw_ver, me.fw_ver, me.sw_ver, me.serial, me.model, me.fru, me.creation, me.last_discover
FROM device_module me
WHERE me.index = '1' AND me.ip = ''
INSERT INTO device_module( class, fru, index, ip, last_discover, model, name, parent, pos, serial, sw_ver )
VALUES( 'chassis', false, '1', '', now( ), 'enterprises.11863.5.38', 'chassis', '0', '-1', '', NULL )
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] modules - 0 chassis components (added one pseudo for chassis)
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug -> run worker main/neighbors/100
UPDATE device_port
SET manual_topo = false
WHERE ip = ''
DELETE FROM topology
WHERE ( dev1 = '' AND port1 NOT IN (
SELECT me.port
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
) ) OR ( dev2 = '' AND port2 NOT IN (
SELECT me.port
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
) )
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] neigh - removed 0 outdated manual topology links
[44] 2022-01-20 18:09:49 debug [] neigh - setting manual topology links
SELECT me.dev1, me.port1, me.dev2, me.port2
FROM topology me
WHERE dev1 = '' OR dev2 = ''
SNMP::Info::_global lldp_sys_cap : LLDP-MIB::lldpLocSysCapEnabled.0 : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_pid : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortId : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_alias : IF-MIB::ifAlias : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_lport_desc : LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(1) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_lport_desc : LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(1) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_desc : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortDesc : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_pid_type : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortIdSubtype : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_sysdesc : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysDesc : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_id_type : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemChassisIdSubtype : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_id : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemChassisId : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_sysname : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysName : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_cap_spt : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysCapSupported : .1.0.8802.
SELECT me.ip, me.port, me.creation, me.descr, me.up, me.up_admin, me.type, me.duplex, me.duplex_admin, me.speed, me.speed_admin,, me.mac, me.mtu, me.stp, me.remote_ip, me.remote_port, me.remote_type, me.remote_id, me.is_master, me.slave_of, me.manual_topo, me.is_uplink, me.vlan, me.pvid, me.lastchange
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = ''
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rman_addr : LLDP-MIB::lldpRemManAddrIfSubtype : .1.0.8802.
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:02 debug [] neigh - processed 0 neighbors
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:02 debug -> run worker main/neighbors/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr docs_if_cmts_cm_status_inet_address : DOCS-IF-MIB::docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress : .
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:02 debug [] neigh - no modems (probably not a DOCSIS device)
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:02 debug -> run worker main/neighbors/100
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:02 debug -> run worker main/portpower/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr peth_power_watts : POWER-ETHERNET-MIB::pethMainPsePower : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr peth_power_status : POWER-ETHERNET-MIB::pethMainPseOperStatus : .
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:03 debug [] power - 0 power modules
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:03 debug -> run worker main/portproperties/100
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_err_disable_cause) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_faststart_enabled) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_lport_desc : LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(1) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_lport_desc : LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(1) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasCDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_media_cap_spt : LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedRemCapSupported : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_vendor : LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedRemMfgName : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_model : LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedRemModelName : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_sw_rev : LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedRemSoftwareRev : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_serial : LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB::lldpXMedRemSerialNum : .1.0.8802.
DELETE FROM device_port_properties
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:05 debug [] properties - removed 0 ports with properties
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_port_properties( ifindex, ip, port, raw_speed )
VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? ) : 'BULK_INSERT'
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:05 debug [] properties - added 53 new port properties
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:05 debug -> run worker main/vlans/100
SNMP::Info::_load_attr v_name : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanStaticName : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr v_name : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanStaticName : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_i_vlan : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qPvid : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_vlan_type) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_cv_egress : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_v_egress : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_cv_untagged : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_v_untagged : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts : .
DELETE FROM device_port_vlan
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] vlans - removed 0 port VLANs
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] vlans - added 0 new port VLANs
DELETE FROM device_vlan
WHERE ip = ''
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] vlans - removed 0 device VLANs
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] vlans - added 0 new device VLANs
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] vlans - discovered for ports and device
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug -> run worker main/wireless/100
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_ssidlist) Unable to resolve method.
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug -> run worker main/withnodes/0
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO admin( action, device, device_key, port, status, subaction, userip, username )
VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) : 'BULK_INSERT'
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug Queued macsuck and arpnip for
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug => running workers for phase: late
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug -> run worker late/hooks/0
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 debug [] hooks - 0 queued
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 info discover: finished at Thu Jan 20 18:10:06 2022
[44] 2022-01-20 18:10:06 info discover: status done: Ended discover for

Macsuck -DIQ

~ $ bin/netdisco-do macsuck -d -DIQ
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 info App::Netdisco version 2.052000 loaded.
SELECT me.version, me.installed
FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me
WHERE 1 = 0
SELECT me.version
FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me
ORDER BY installed DESC
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation
FROM device_ip me
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.num_ports, me.mac, me.serial, me.chassis_id, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status, me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log, me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.snmp_engineid, me.vtp_domain, me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, me.is_pseudo, to_char( me.creation, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_arpnip, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.creation ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_discover ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp 'epoch' + me.uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' )
FROM device me
WHERE me.ip = ''
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 info macsuck: [] started at Thu Jan 20 18:14:08 2022
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug macsuck: running with timeout 600s
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug => running workers for phase: check
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug -> run worker check/base/0
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug Macsuck is able to run.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug => running workers for phase: main
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug -> run worker main/nodes/100
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug snmp reader cache warm: []
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag_read, me.snmp_auth_tag_write
FROM community me
WHERE me.ip = ''
UPDATE community
SET snmp_auth_tag_read = NULL
WHERE ip = ''
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:08 debug [] try_connect with ver: 2, class: SNMP::Info::Layer2, comm:
SNMP::Info::_global uptime : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global layers : SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 : .
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag_read, me.snmp_auth_tag_write
FROM community me
WHERE me.ip = ''
UPDATE community
SET snmp_auth_tag_read = 'default_v2_readonly'
WHERE ip = ''
SNMP::Info::_global description : SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global id : SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 : .
SNMP::Info 3.81
SNMP::Info::device_type() layers:00000011 id:11863 sysDescr:"JetStream 48-Port Gigabit Smart PoE Switch with 4 SFP Slots"
SELECT me.ip, me.port, me.creation, me.descr, me.up, me.up_admin, me.type, me.duplex, me.duplex_admin, me.speed, me.speed_admin,, me.mac, me.mtu, me.stp, me.remote_ip, me.remote_port, me.remote_type, me.remote_id, me.is_master, me.slave_of, me.manual_topo, me.is_uplink, me.vlan, me.pvid, me.lastchange, neighbor_alias.ip, neighbor_alias.alias, neighbor_alias.subnet, neighbor_alias.port, neighbor_alias.dns, neighbor_alias.creation, device.ip, device.creation, device.dns, device.description, device.uptime,,, device.location, device.layers, device.num_ports, device.mac, device.serial, device.chassis_id, device.model, device.ps1_type, device.ps2_type, device.ps1_status, device.ps2_status,, device.slots, device.vendor, device.os, device.os_ver, device.log, device.snmp_ver, device.snmp_comm, device.snmp_class, device.snmp_engineid, device.vtp_domain, device.last_discover, device.last_macsuck, device.last_arpnip, device.is_pseudo
FROM device_port me
LEFT JOIN device_ip neighbor_alias
ON neighbor_alias.alias = (
SELECT devipsub.ip
FROM device_ip devipsub
WHERE alias = me.remote_ip
LEFT JOIN device device
ON device.ip = neighbor_alias.ip
WHERE me.ip = ''
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_index : IF-MIB::ifIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_description : IF-MIB::ifDescr : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_fw_port : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qTpFdbPort : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr dot1qVlanFdbId : Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanFdbId : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr bp_index : BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex : .
SELECT me.mac, me.ip
SELECT ip, mac
FROM device
WHERE mac = any( 'ARRAY(0x7efc09e17868)' ::macaddr[] ) UNION
SELECT ip, mac
FROM device_port dp
WHERE mac = any( 'ARRAY(0x7efc09e17868)' ::macaddr[] )
) me
GROUP BY mac, ip
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 80:f3:ef:47:35:5d - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck e4:5f:01:10:f5:83 - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck ac:84:c6:3d:e1:ec - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 7c:d3:0a:20:be:21 - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 8c:85:90:27:3d:62 - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 70:f0:88:2d:94:3b - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 14:88:e6:28:21:5a - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:0c:29:27:ef:1e - port 17 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck dc:ef:09:ea:6a:bc - port 37 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck c6:95:8a:f8:fa:f5 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck c0:b6:f9:c0:be:08 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 40:98:ad:73:14:9c - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:e0:67:10:8d:39 - port 23 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:1f:c6:9c:3b:bb - port 17 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:09:b0:06:d3:1d - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:1a:62:04:2a:b2 - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 08:d2:3e:69:cc:60 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck f0:23:b9:eb:52:c5 - port 4 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 08:87:c7:29:f0:77 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 90:8c:43:35:f1:41 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 7c:d3:0a:24:13:52 - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:0c:29:af:eb:8b - port 17 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 14:7d:da:e0:a1:ae - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 68:99:cd:cc:7b:0d - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:21:7e:43:d1:0f - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:18:61:0d:4e:51 - port 22 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck b8:27:eb:14:61:02 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 96:d4:6a:7a:90:6f - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck e8:fb:e9:2e:fa:8a - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 0c:2a:69:09:ac:fd - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck fc:de:90:37:c5:d7 - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck b0:d5:9d:b3:4b:ab - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck f6:3f:7b:48:b1:d9 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 80:19:34:6e:0a:0a - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:1f:b5:34:38:51 - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 0c:9d:92:c9:55:02 - port 3 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:e0:67:10:8d:39 - port 23 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck e4:c3:2a:e5:a7:b2 - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 04:03:d6:77:97:c3 - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 68:99:cd:cc:7b:0b - port 2 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:0c:29:24:a2:ce - port 17 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 70:9e:29:dc:3a:f6 - port 15 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck ac:84:c6:3d:eb:70 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck e0:f6:b5:98:c6:5c - port 8 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:e0:67:10:8d:39 - port 23 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck d4:f0:57:98:26:b1 - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck 00:0c:29:af:eb:9f - port 24 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck b8:3e:59:b0:1e:1e - port 11 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck d8:49:2f:30:68:b9 - port 6 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck b0:d5:9d:a2:db:c2 - port 1 has no bp_index mapping - skipping.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(vtp_version) Unable to resolve method.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] reindexing to vlan 0 (ver: 2, class: SNMP::Info::Layer2)
SNMP::Info::clear_cache() - Cache Cleared.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck - 0 updated forwarding table entries
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] macsuck - removed 0 fwd table entries to archive
UPDATE device
SET last_macsuck = to_timestamp( 1642702450.723492 )
WHERE ip = ''
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug -> run worker main/wirelessnodes/100
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(cd11_txrate) Unable to resolve method.
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug => running workers for phase: late
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug -> run worker late/hooks/0
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 debug [] hooks - 0 queued
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 info macsuck: finished at Thu Jan 20 18:14:56 2022
[56] 2022-01-20 18:14:56 info macsuck: status done: Ended macsuck for