package export ist broken in php8
fwoldt opened this issue · 2 comments
fwoldt commented
Create a new package for example content object export
and do all steps until export to file
=> this is broken
- vendor/zetacomponents/archive/src/file/block_file.php
sizeof(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, string given in vendor/zetacomponents/archive/src/file/block_file.php on line 366
@see zetacomponents/Archive@9e1fa02
=> zetacomponents version master has the bugfix already but the current stable version 1.5 not
=> so we have to patch => or switch to master of zetacomponents in ezpbublish_legacy composer.json
emodric commented
zetacomponents/archive is tagged with 1.5.1 thanks to @derickr so this is fixed now.
fwoldt commented
yes the export is working now :-)