
Use Hotspot Id instead of Hotspot name in unit registration

edospadoni opened this issue · 1 comments

At the moment when a new unit is added using the dedalo helper, the reference to the hotspot is only the name, that could be not unique and the result is that the unit is not correctly added to the right hotspot.


  1. Create a hotspot and name it test with some description
  2. Create another hotspot and name it again test with some description
  3. Try to register an unit using the hotspot named test.
  4. The registration fails because the unit is added to a bad hotspot

We must change the registration method by modify the sun-api endpoint POST /units to accept hotspot_id filed in JSON request instead of hotspot (that contains the name)

Packages released for NS 7:

  • nethserver-dedalo-1.0.2-1.ns7.noarch.rpm
  • dedalo-0.2.0-1.ns7.noarch.rpm