Repo Read Me

Read before starting to use the boilerplate. This boilerplate uses webpack to compile.


To user project, you have to install dependencies first

$ npm install

Development mode

To start development mode, you should run the command below

$ npm start

Production build

To start development mode, you should run the command below

$ npm run build

on Windows

$ npm run build-windows


Project includes:

  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Font Awesome
  • and uses ES6 syntax
  |–– src
      |–– js
          |–– vendors
          |–– app.js # main entry point for javascript
      |–– static
          |–– assets
      |–– styles
          |–– fonts
          |–– icons # icons for css image sprite
          |–– vendors
          |–– main.scss # main entry point for css
          |–– sprite.scss # DO NOT CHANGE: auto-generated for image sprite
      |–– templates
          |–– _data # data folder to use in .hbs files
          |–– _helpers
          |–– pages # folder that contains .hbs files that will be converted to .html files
          |–– partials # partials to include in `pages` folder
              |–– common

Image Sprite

For image sprite this boilerplate uses: webpack-spritesmith. It's automatically generates src/static/assets/sprite.png file from the .png images that located in src/static/icons.

*** Example usage: ***

to use src/styles/icons/hello.png as a sprite icon:

__ CSS: __

.icon {
  display: inline-block;

  &-hello {
    @include sprite($hello);

__ HTML: __

<span class="icon icon-hello"></span>