
Command-line Remote Access Tool (RAT)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

License: GPL v3 Platforms: linux-64 | win-64 | android 9

Documentacion en Español


Multiplatform Command-line Remote Access Tool (RAT)


  • libssl
  • libnotify (Desktop notifications) - Optional

Client Included functions

  • Connection over TLS
  • File transfer
  • Interactive reverse shell
  • Information gathering
  • Download files from HTTP(S) servers


Edit headers.hpp and uncomment the language you want to use in the program. Languages so far:

#define ES

#define EN


To enable colored output or desktop notification(Linux) on server uncomment the followig lines respectively on headers.hpp file

#define _COLOR

//Linux only 
#define _NOTIFY

To use notify feature you have to install libnotify on your system and use the make file makenotify locate in the server source directory. Compile with make -f makenotify.

Building (Client)

Edit headers.hpp and comment/uncomment:

#define _DEBUG

to enable/disable verbose output to console. Modify main.cpp and change the line

Cli->Connect("YOUR HOST", "PORT")

with your host and port information. If #define _DEBUG is uncommented then host and port information must be passed as arguments from command-line. Ex ./Client 31337. Build in client root directory with make.

Building (Server)

Generate certificate and private key on server with openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -out cacer.pem -outform PEM -days 1825 -nodes, place both files cacer.pem and prikvey.pem on server directory. Edit headers.hpp and modify the line

#define Max_Clients 10

if you want to handle more than 10 clients. Build in server root directory with make.

Building Server/Client on Windows

First install Openssl using one of the pre-compiled binaries from here: https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Binaries. Download msys2 from here: https://www.msys2.org/. Open the msys2 shell and update packages list with pacman -Syu, after that, install requiered packages with: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain, then compile with mingw32-make.

Server (Termux)

To use under termux you have to install dependencies with:

pkg install openssl openssl-tool make git nano

After that edit headers.hpp with nano and uncomment

#define _TERMUX

generate certificate and private key as explained above, finally compile with make.

Server Commands

Type help, ? or aiuda at any time (not in reverse shell) to show available commands

Main Shell

Command About
cli Execute actions on clients
help, ?, aiuda Show available commands
exit Finish server

Client Shell (Interactive Mode)

Command About
upload Upload a local file to remote client
download Download a remote file from client
shell Spawn an interactive reverse shell on remote client
httpd Force client to download a file from specified url
info Retrieve information from client
help, ?, aiuda Show available commands
exit Close interactive session (Not connection)
  • More comming...

Tested on

  • Debian
  • Arch
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Android 9 (Termux)


Any contribution its welcome!!!



This software is for testing purposes only, designed to run in a controlled environment, it should not be run in a real-world scenario. The developer is not responsible for any damage caused or legal repercussions. Use it at your own risk.