
netlify build error with email and nextjs plugin does not install dependencies

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

netlify build doest not install dependencies and fails

Steps to reproduce

~/dev/projects/momo/momo-website on  main ⌚ 13:53:46
$ netlify build
  Netlify Build                                                 
❯ Version
  @netlify/build 29.6.0
❯ Flags
  dry: false
  offline: false
❯ Current directory
❯ Config file
❯ Context
❯ Installing plugins
   - @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.30.4
   - @netlify/plugin-emails@1.0.3
  Dependencies installation error                               
  Error message
  Error while installing dependencies in /Users/theobouwman/dev/projects/momo/momo-website/.netlify/plugins/
  Resolved config
    command: npm run build
    commandOrigin: config
    publish: /Users/theobouwman/dev/projects/momo/momo-website/.next
    publishOrigin: config
    - inputs: {}
      origin: ui
      package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
    - inputs: {}
      origin: config
      package: '@netlify/plugin-emails'

CLI command and flags

netlify build


  command = "npm run build"
  publish = ".next"

  package = "@netlify/plugin-emails"

CLI output

  Netlify Build                                                 
❯ Version
  @netlify/build 29.6.0
❯ Flags
  dry: false
  offline: false
❯ Current directory
❯ Config file
❯ Context
❯ Installing plugins
   - @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.30.4
   - @netlify/plugin-emails@1.0.3
  Dependencies installation error                               
  Error message
  Error while installing dependencies in /Users/theobouwman/dev/projects/momo/momo-website/.netlify/plugins/
  Resolved config
    command: npm run build
    commandOrigin: config
    publish: /Users/theobouwman/dev/projects/momo/momo-website/.next
    publishOrigin: config
    - inputs: {}
      origin: ui
      package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
    - inputs: {}
      origin: config
      package: '@netlify/plugin-emails'


npm ERR! cb.apply is not a function

Hi @theobouwman can you maybe create a small reproducible example for us to have it easier fixable?

Something like a repo or a stack blitz container please

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had activity in 1 year. It will be closed in 14 days if no further activity occurs. Thanks!

This issue was closed because it had no activity for over 1 year.