
Retrieve build and dev server settings from build-info

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Currently, we can perform the framework detection independently from the build system detection. We use the build system detection only for data-gathering purposes.

Currently, when we perform the build-info framework detection on a monorepo, for example, Nx or turborepo or even npm/yarn/pnpm workspaces we only know which framework is installed in which package.

This results in having wrong or poor commands inside the CLI as we can only detect a framework run command like vue-cli-service serve.

CleanShot 2023-05-03 at 15 47 57@2x

nx serve is wrong as it always serves the default applications specified inside the nx.json instead it should have specific commands for each application

The correct commands would be nx run my-app:serve or turbo run build --scope docs and for workspaces like pnpm run build --filter @evilcorp/blog.

The Goal

The goal is to have the build info exposing so-called build settings that can be consumed by the react-ui – see issue and inside the CLI when it comes to suggesting the correct build settings for the dev command if nothing is configured inside the netlify.toml.

Furthermore, good detection is needed to know which core plugins to install like the next.js runtime.

To accomplish that, we should provide a function in @netlify/build-info that does that by leveraging the parts of the detection and checking if a build system has a dev or build command.