
Consider splitting up CLI functionality and/or cutting down on dependencies

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We are using netlify-lambda for Preact's docs and only today did I realize that it has long since been deprecated in favor for netlify-cli. However, upon installing netlify-cli and fixing up the commands, I saw this adds ~1300-odd packages and about 300MB to node_modules (40% of that project's total with this installed, for reference).

This is unfortunately a complete non-starter for that project, way to much of a size increase for such minimal functionality we need. This has a huge negative impact on contributors' and CI time, so we're stuck with netlify-lambda or migrating to our own tooling for serving & building the functions we need.

Describe the solution you'd like

Would love to see some time and attention paid to dependency use and/or cutting the CLI up by feature. I don't imagine many users are fully utilizing the full suite of functionality that this offers all at once, splitting up the CLI (or distributing parts of the CLI separately in addition to what already exists) could be a compelling option.

Pull request (optional)

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