
Why does netlify git-gateway use oauth instead of app?

rens-io opened this issue · 2 comments

I really like that I can connect netlify with my github account through the github app instead of giving full access to all my repos.

When I wish to use netlify git-gateway though it asks to connect with oauth instead of app. I don't like giving full access to all my public and private repos. Is it not possible to use app instead of oauth for github so I can select just the repo I want to give netlify access to?

Yeah the same question, netlify looks super friendly and all, but this step still made me uneasy. Not familiar with github api - is it not able to provide required permissions for one repo only?

UPD. apparently for oath I found this:

the only two OAuth scopes available for repo access are repo (ALL repos) and public_repo (write access to ALL public repos).

So For me too, github app seems the way to go.

I found this netlify forum post that seems to explains the rationale here.

Seems rather unfortunate since I was following up this hugo + academic + netlify guide to make some basic website and being asked to give all repository access was a bit more than I expected!

Would be interested in finer grained permission for this.