
Prevent multiple logins from multiple devices at the same time

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi everyone,

I would like to prevent users from logging in from multiple devices at the same time.
Is there a chance to check that someone already is logged in from Device A when he tries to login from Device B? So that he gets a message and is unable to login on Device B. He would have to logout from Device A to be able to login from Device B.

Is that possible and how?

Thank you!

Hey @chriso0710, have you got anyone sharing anything about this matter?

Hey @LuigiClaudio,

we decided not to use gotrue-js. We developed our own auth provider to have full control over it's behaviour. The development was surprisingly easy. We found that other commercial auth providers were not able to offer the features we needed.
More details in the netlify forum

Our own provider is able to limit logins. So when someone in logged in already on browser A he/she cannot login from browser B. We are thinking about implementing other features like browser fingerprinting or browser heartbeats.

I'm aware that this probably does not help you much with gotrue-js...