
Serve the full website

niicojs opened this issue · 5 comments

I think it would be better to:

  • server the full website (easier to test lambda functions in context)
  • server the function with the /.netlify/functions/ path)
  • parse .env to set environment variables

I did it here for personal use, I can PR it if it make sense for others.

@niicojs It makes sense for me. I'll use your fork unless/until there is an alternative.

There are many different ways people serve their app depending on the framework, setup, etc. etc. etc.

I'd suggest an approach like this

Where you can use npm-run-all to run the function code + your web app in the same terminal session.

If you clone down that repo, npm install, and npm start you can see it in action

Thanks for the suggestion @DavidWells. In my specific case I'm not using react or webpack and don't want those additional dependencies just to proxy requests. I'm using browsersync for serving static files and can proxy netlify-lambda functions locally, but without native rewrite support. This makes niicojs' idea/fork useful to me.

@sparkalow if you're still looking for alternatives, I've written 8eecf0d2/netlify-local to support more Netlify services locally, namely the static file server for the publish directory of netlify.toml configs. Webpack is included as a dependency but usage is completely optional.

Thanks all - i think we're gonna keep netlify-lambda small/general as possible. But @8eecf0d2 and @niicojs's approaches are interesting and i will link to you from the github. if we get more feedback like this from people i am open to reopening this