
Release swagger.json different to local one

hmajid2301 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

I'm using netlify version 4.1.4 (js-client), which in turn uses open-api version 0.13.2. However
the imported swagger.json in the js-client is missing some endpoints. For example it doesn't have this endpoint /dns_zones/{zone_id}/dns_records/{dns_record_id}. However if I git clone this project then, run npm convert the endpoint is there in the generated swagger.json. I was wondering how I can resolve this in the netlify js client project ? I need to use that specific endpoint and client doesn't think it's a valid operation id as it's not present in the swagger.json file.

TL:DR; The swagger.json present in the netlify js-client is different to the swagger.json that this project generates and

Hi! that endpoint is recently merged to the master (#211) but we haven't made a release yet, therefore you're not seeing it in a js-client yet.
I'm planning to cut a release either today or Monday. Actually js-client's open-api is using not up-to-date version open-api (current one is 0.13.4), I'll get that updated too with the new release.

I'll update here once we've done releasing a new js-client version :)

Yeh i did a diff between 0.13.4 and 0.13.3. Should've checked with master as well. Thanks anways. For the mean time I will manually copy over the swagger.json file I need into my node_modules.


it's released with , thanks to @ehmicky ๐ŸŽ‰
closing this, but feel free to reopen if you have any further questions