
When encountering a zip file, ignore it and show a log message that we haven't loaded the function

outerlook opened this issue · 5 comments

- Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?
- What is the current behavior?
I've being trying to get along small functions to understand netlify functions, etc

I try to first build the functions then use netlify dev command netlify functions:serve.
But right now after trying a really simple function test.ts I get this error

◈ Loaded function test.
◈ Functions server is listening on 9999
◈ Failed reloading function test with error:
Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined
at buildFunction (C:\Users\RaffaelCampos\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm-global\5\node_modules.pnpm\netlify-cli@6.8.1\node_modules\netlify-cli\src\lib\functions\runtimes\js\builders\zisi.js:42:27)
at (C:\Users\RaffaelCampos\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm-global\5\node_modules.pnpm\netlify-cli@6.8.1\node_modules\netlify-cli\src\lib\functions\netlify-function.js:53:42)
at FunctionsRegistry.buildFunctionAndWatchFiles (C:\Users\RaffaelCampos\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm-global\5\node_modules.pnpm\netlify-cli@6.8.1\node_modules\netlify-cli\src\lib\functions\registry.js:73:37)

- If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

// zipItAndShipIt config used to build
  const archive = await zipFunctions("src/lambda", "dist", {
    archiveFormat: "zip",
    config: {
      nodeVersion: "14.x",
      nodeBundler: "esbuild"
// test.ts
import { Handler } from "@netlify/functions";

const handler: Handler = async (event, context) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: "Hello, World",

export { handler };

1 - build with ZipItAndShipIt
2 - netlify functions:serve

- What is the expected behavior?
Be able to get "Hello world" while acessing http://localhost:9999/.netlify/functions/teste

- Please mention your node.js, and operating system version.

Node 14
Windows 10
PNPM as package manager
"@netlify/functions": "0.7.2",
"@netlify/zip-it-and-ship-it": "4.20.0",
netlify-cli installed globally 6.8.1

the line that errors undefined:

Sorry, I misunderstood functions:serve capabilities. I thought it could handle .zip as it correctly copies these files. But when I unzip before running it goes smoothly.

Thanks for creating this, @outerlook! I'm glad you're unblocked, but I've reopened the issue because it feels like we should address this use case better. The error message you saw is cryptic and not very helpful.

@eduardoboucas and @minivan, I think this issue should be reopened under netlify/cli since it's related to the CLI registry module. I implemented a fix here and am ready to do a PR.

thanks @karagulamos for adding the error message! We'll consider this one solved then