
Exception: Invalid WebP header detected error on attempt to load webp image

danhodgkins opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I've been using this plugin without issue for ages, but on new repo check outs, this error has started on texture load. I've updated to latest version of the package and using unity editor 2022.3.9f1 LTS but error persists..

I can't find any reports or solutions to the issue. I'm hoping the author can suggest a fix.
Thank you.

Exception: Invalid WebP header detected
WebP.Texture2DExt.GetWebPDimensions (System.Byte[] lData, System.Int32& lWidth, System.Int32& lHeight) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.netpyoung.webp@17a9eb9c31/Runtime/Texture2DExt.cs:89)
WebP.Texture2DExt.CreateTexture2DFromWebP (System.Byte[] lData, System.Boolean lMipmaps, System.Boolean lLinear, WebP.Error& lError, WebP.Texture2DExt+ScalingFunction scalingFunction, System.Boolean makeNoLongerReadable) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.netpyoung.webp@17a9eb9c31/Runtime/Texture2DExt.cs:202)

Apologies - the issue was not related to this library