
Cookie nette-samesite

nargotik opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, as far i saw this cookie is set on src/Bridges/HttpDI/HttpExtension.php

There is any reason for this cookie to cannot be optional or name changed ?

Still not figure why this is this way .. and why cant the cookie be renamed.

dg commented

Why do you want to rename it?

Because some projects don't need to say the visitors what technology they use, it makes part of security to don't pass information to visitors that provides crucial information about the system.

@dg What you think about it ?

Have added a PR with changes needed to add a new config variable: cookieNameStrict

PR: #189

dg commented

At the moment, it is difficult to make a clean solution, so I'll implement it in the next bigger version.

However, in nette/http 3.1 the name has changed to _nss which is not so noticeable.