Login fails
Opened this issue · 2 comments
EnnoMeijers commented
Creating a new user account fails with message: "Fout tijdens het verbinden met auth.netwerkdigitaalerfgoed.nl"
What is the status of the Auth/Solid infra?
ddeboer commented
auth.netwerkdigitaalerfgoed.nl hosts the solid-crs-id-proxy app. The infrastructure seems fine, but the app container, which runs
node /usr/src/id-proxy/node_modules/.bin/dgt-id-proxy -u -U https://nde.eu.auth0.com/ -m . -c config/proxy-config.json -o ./openid-configuration.json -j ./jwks.json
returns a 404 for each request. @lem-onade Do you have any idea what’s going on here?
ddeboer commented
This should no longer be relevant now the app has switched to Use.id.