
Issue with setting up firebase

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello i setup for a firebase account got some of the infromation but i can not figure out where is my


are at. Can someone help me and point my in the direction on firebase where i can find these at please?


Hello @Therealjosephchrzempiec just by following the firebase basic guide here the above information should be generated in your firebase account.

Hello Andronat. I think i figure out more but there are three left and don't understand and i don't see in the get started or dashboard of the firebase unless I'm missing something i don't undertand and they are

  messagingSenderId: "your-messagingSenderId",
  appId: "your-appId",
  measurementId: "your-measurementId"

appid i guess is the project name maybe but the other two i don't see or know. The reason I'm o confused is because its asking me for sdk's and file i ahve no clue on i don't have a mobile app.


I think your problem is not related to naf-firebase-adapter. There is something wrong in the way you are setting up you firebase account. You should ask for some help from the Firebase community or StackOverflow.

Thank you. Yes i think I might be messing it up. Firebase is a littl confusing to me.
