
Re-evaluate pytest-redislite as a dependency

Kircheneer opened this issue · 2 comments


The testing dependency pytest-redislite depends on redislite which brings with it a couple of problems:

  • No version that installs on M1 Macs out of the box, there are some workarounds you can perform but as per my experience they don't play too well with poetry
  • Latest release is about 1.5 years in the past
  • General signs of abandonment in the project, although that issue was closed the issues inside of it weren't really addressed yet

Potential solutions

  • Require docker-compose to run tests with Redis since we always have docker running anyway for development and then do away with mocking Redis, use pytest-redis?
  • Switch to something else for mocking Redis such as fakeredis-py?

I am now having additional issues here where redislite fails to install.

Using pytest-redis and a locally installed redis for testing instead as of #176.